Service Desk
Submit a work order or request Keys/Omni-Code

A bunch of tools.

The Facilities Service Desk is open from 8:30am – 4:30pm.

To submit a work order request, click on SUBMIT WORK ORDER below. A work order request can range from electrical issues, custodial services, room temperature adjustments, to non-life-threatening emergencies (water leaks, gas leaks) etc.  Once the work order request has been submitted, you will be contacted by one of our Facilities Operations and Maintenance Personnel.

For urgent requests, please call (562) 938-4040. If it’s an emergency, dial 911 immediately.


To submit a request for Keys and/or OMNI-Codes, click on REQUEST KEY/OMNI-CODE below.  Please note that you must be connected to the LBCC network to access the Keys Site.



Contact Information

To report Facilities concerns after hours and weekends, call the Facilities Duty Manager (562) 938-5050

Emergency Contact Information

LAC: Dial x4911 from any LAC Campus land line or (562) 938-4911 from your cell phone
PCC: Dial x3911 from any PCC Campus land line or (562) 938-3911 from your cell phone