CSULB Transfer Supplemental Application Due Feb 1
CSULB Fall 2023 Transfer Applicants are required to complete a CSULB Supplemental Application between January 4th and February 1st.
If students have not received an email from CSULB about their supplemental application, Please visit CSULB Supplemental Application for more information.
If you require accommodations, please contact the Disabled Students Programs & Services (DSPS) at least 72 hours prior to the event at (562) 938-4558 or (562) 938-4833 (TTY) or dsps-staff@lbcc.edu. If you require sign language interpreting services, or Communication Access Realtime Translation services, please contact Stephanie Bonales at sbonales@lbcc.edu or (562) 938-4918 at least 5 business days prior to the event. Please note requests are based on provider availability, the more advance notice the better.