Oh the Places We Went
Student Panel and Presentations from Professional Development
The Future Teachers Club members had the opportunity to attend various professional development activities and conferences this year. This workshop will be a knowledge share, informal conversation, and highlights from our students. Learn about the current outlook in ethnic studies, technology, and student-centered teaching practices from within the field. Moreover, students will share the applicability of these practices within their classroom experiences.
5:30PM, May 19 on Zoom
If you require Sign language interpreting services or
Communication Access Realtime Translation (CART)
services , please contact the event contact person and
Stephanie Bonales at least 72 hours prior to the event at (562)
938-4918 or sbonales@lbcc.edu.
If you require Sign language interpreting
services, please contact the event contact person and
Rebecca Lucas at rlucas@lbcc.edu at least 5 business
days prior to the event.
If you require Communication Access Realtime Translation
(CART) services, please contact the event contact person
and Jaymee Hunt at cart@lbcc.edu at least 5 business days
prior to the event. *Please note requests are based on provider