What is Disabled Students Programs & Services?
Disabled Students Programs & Services (DSP&S) is a program dedicated to students with disabilities and their right to an equal educational experience. We provide a variety of services to help students with a disability the opportunity to participate in college programs and activities.
What services are available for Disabled Students?
Here is a sample of some of the services available through DSPS:
- Specialized orientation
- Academic/vocational and personal counseling
- Pre-registration
- Registration assistance
- Mobility assistance
- Sign language interpreters
- Learning disability eligibility assessment
- Note-taking assistance
- Test-taking assistance
- Text in alternate format including large print, Braille and audio, print magnifier/CCTV
- Computer access equipment and training
- TTY phone assistance
- Information and referral.
How can Learning Disability testing help me?
Students’ who are determined eligible for learning disability services based on testing, can receive a variety of services that enable them to participate more fully in their college classes. These services could include specialized assistance with note-taking, test-taking, and adaptive technology.
Can I be tested for a learning disability at LBCC?
The answer is yes. Enrolled students at LBCC can receive eligibility testing for learning disability services. Students interested in this testing should contact the DSPS office to schedule an LD testing appointment at (562) 938-4558 for LAC or (562) 938-3921 for PCC.
What is the Academic Accommodation Plan?
The Academic Accommodation Plan (AAP) is a record of the interactive process between each DSPS student and a DSPS certificated staff member regarding academic adjustments, auxiliary aids, services and/or instruction necessary to provide the student equal access to the educational process, given the educational limitations resulting from the student’s disabilities.