Charge, Membership & Subcommittees
Committee Functions & Responsibilities



According to Administrative Procedure 4020, “The Committee on Curriculum and Instruction is the primary recommending body on curriculum and instruction. It is a standing committee of the Academic Senate. As appropriate, recommendations of the Curriculum Committee shall be forwarded to the office of the Vice President, Academic Affairs for formatting and review, and through this office to the Superintendent-President for placement on the agenda of the Board of Trustees. The President of the Academic Senate shall then present Curriculum Committee proposals to the Board of Trustees for information or approval.

The procedures used to review, recommend, approve, and implement courses and instructional programs shall comply with the provisions of Title 5 and guidelines from the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office and in consultation with Academic Services.

Its functions include, but are not limited to:

  • Review and make recommendations regarding new courses, courses to be inactivated, and modifications in existing courses. 
  • Review and make recommendations regarding the feasibility, appropriateness, and need for proposed educational programs.
  • Review and recommend modifications in academic policies.
  • Assist in informing college faculty of new and revised academic administrative procedures, policies, and standards of good practice.
  • Disseminate information and train faculty and administrators regarding curriculum and instruction.


AP 4020 (Administrative Procedure on Program and Curriculum Development) outlines the composition of the Committee on Curriculum and Instruction (CCI), its Subcommittees, and establishes the Committee as the primary recommending body on curriculum and instruction. The specific duties of the Curriculum Committee, including the technical review of proposals, are divided among five Subcommittees.

For specific individuals, positions, term limits, and subcommittee membership, please access the appropriate membership rosters on the right-hand side of the screen.

In essence, the Curriculum Committee is composed of:

  • Elected faculty members from each department, including LAC and PCC counseling and library.
  • Faculty members (or designees) appointed to the committee by virtue of their position at the college.
  • Student representatives appointed by the Associated Student Body Cabinet.
  • Administrative representatives, (or designees).
  • Exofficio (nonvoting) members in leadership and specialist positions.

“All faculty members serving on standing subcommittees of the Curriculum Committee, except the Department Planning/Program Review Subcommittee, the Assessment of Student Learning Outcomes Committee, and the Open Education Resources Subcommittee, shall be members of the Curriculum Committee” (p.13).

Standing Subcommittees

Membership for each of the 6 standing subcommittees is largely comprised of either members of the Curriculum Committee or members from the college at large. Important members, such as specialists, counselors, administrators, and leadership are also detailed in Administrative Procedure 4020 for each subcommittee.

Please refer to Administrative Procedure 4020 for details on membership and the Curriculum Committees Membership for a list of individual members.