How to Create Credit & Noncredit Programs​

  1. Chancellor’s Office Narrative (CON) Template​

    • Access and complete the appropriate CON Template on the ADGE website.​
  2. Foundational Documentation​

    • Ensure completion and submission.​
  3. CTE: Labor Market Information​

    • LMI data is paramount to supporting the creation of Career Technical Education (CTE) programs. Use this online form to submit a request for LMI Data.
    • An analysis of the LMI should demonstrate a need for employment in your new program’s area. It will be used to justify the program for regional and state approval. ​
  4. CTE: Advisory Committee Minutes​

    • If you need assistance with the creation of an Advisory Board, or the scheduling and recording of the minutes of meetings, contact the Director of Workforce Development. ​
    • Highlight the motions and votes that directly link to the creation of the program.​
  5. CTE: Los Angeles Regional Consortium (LARC)​

    • Note: Noncredit CTE programs are not required to be submitted to LARC.​
    • To submit the program to LARC for approval, provide the Dean, Applied Technology and Culinary Arts with the following:​
      • Completed CON​
      • Advisory Minutes​
      • Labor Market Information​
  6. ADT: Transfer Model Curriculum (TMC)​

    • ADTs are complicated and regimented because they are rooted in a legislative initiative. They require research, external agreement, evidence, and patience. Because of this, creating them is not as simple as creating a certificate or even a local associate degree. We cannot modify an ADT by modifying the Chancellor’s Office Narrative. We first need to access the Transfer Model Curriculum (TMC). TMCs are posted to the public on the Chancellor’s Office website. This is where you can see the requirements for various lists on the ADT. 
    • However, prior to working with Academic Services to complete the TMC, the department needs to work with the Articulation Officer (Trevor Rodriguez) to ascertain which TMC List the course(s) could be added to. This involves looking at C-ID approval, articulation agreements, or transferability and the home department of course(s) at our CSU counterparts.
    • Complete the TMC and CON in collaboration with the ADGE Subcommittee Chair and Dean, Academic Affairs, and the Articulation Officer.​
  7. ADGE Subcommittee​

    • To be considered for upcoming ADGE meetings, submit the following to the subcommittee chair:​
      1. Departmental Discussions​
      2. Approval Sheet​
      3. Completed CON​
      4. CTE: Advisory Minutes​
      5. CTE: Labor Market Information​
      6. CTE: LARC Approval Notice​
      7. ADT: Completed TMC​
  8. Baccalaureate Degree Program (BDP)​

    • BDP programs require that LBCC submit applications to the Chancellor’s Office prior to offering local curriculum. BDP programs require heavy lifts on numerous stakeholders, including faculty, administration, student services, accrediting agencies, the Chancellor’s Office, and the Department of Education. Because of this, the first step required of faculty interested in exploring a potential BDP at LBCC is to:​
      • Complete the ADGE Subcommittee’s Potential BDP In-Take form.​
      • This form is local to the ADGE and LBCC Curriculum process to solicit faculty and stakeholder ideas for potential bachelor degree programs. The form is designed to intake ideas for bachelor’s degree programs and align with considerations aligned with the high-level sections found in the CCCCO’s application, like master planning, duplication, labor market data, viability, and curriculum development, etc.​
    • Faculty’s answers to the form will be shared with Curriculum Committee as an information item, then routed to the LBCC BDP Workgroup and President’s Leadership Council, where faculty and administrative leadership can discuss the viability of the potential program and whether to apply.