SE Subcommittee Membership
Current Committee Members


Ideally, all representatives appointed to serve on the student equity subcommittee should have direct or relatable experience supporting disproportionately impacted groups.

  • Faculty Co-Chair, Student Equity Coordinator
  • Administrator Co-Chair, Dean of Student Equity or designee
  • LAC faculty (2)*
  • PCC Faculty (2)*
  • CTE Faculty (1)
  •  Counseling Faculty from programs related to DSPS, EOPS, CalWorks, Foster Youth, Veterans, Umoja, Puente, and Justice Scholars, (2)
  • CHI representatives (1)
  • Faculty Professional Development Coordinator (or designee) (1)
  • Classified representatives, one appointed by AFT and one appointed by Classified Senate (2)
  • Student Services Representatives as appointed by Classified Senate (2)
  • Student representatives at large appointed by ASB, who are from, but not limited to, programs related to DSPS, EOPS, CalWorks, Foster Youth, Veterans, Umoja, Puente, and Justice Scholars or from campus clubs that serve the needs of historically marginalized, or underserved, or disproportionately impacted student groups (3)
  • Administrators as appointed (3)
  • Research Analyst (1)
*At least one of the faculty representatives from each campus (LAC and PCC) should have more than 2 years of online/hybrid teaching, additional online training (i.e. POCR), and/or have served on the online education committee
* Appointed faculty serve a three-year term limit that is renewable for a second term.
* Appointed classified staff by the Classified Senate serve a two-year term limit that is renewable for a second term.
* Appointed classified staff by the AFT do not have a term limit.