Student Life Award Nominations, Fall 2017
Do you know of an outstanding LBCC student who deserves college-wide recognition for their extra-curricular activities and many contributions? If so, then nominate an LBCC student for the Viking Award, Crystal Award, Star Award and Honor Certificate by midnight, Tuesday, October 31, 2017.
The selection committee places great value on the comments from the nominators, so please make use of the comment section of the form. All nominations must be submitted online.
Honor Certificates
This first level award is presented by all ASB programs. It is presented to students for outstanding achievement in a specific semester for extracurricular activity and service to others. Students may earn more than one honor certificate while at Long Beach City College.
Pacific Coast Crystal and Liberal Arts Campus Star
To be considered for this leadership and service award, a student must be nominated by peers, staff or you may nominate yourself. The nominee must have previously earned an honor certificate. Students may earn only one leadership and service award.
Viking Award
This college-wide award is the highest honor a student can receive at LBCC. Viking Award recipients are selected as true role models for others; exemplifying the best in scholarship, leadership, and service to others. Emphasis is placed on continued contributions to the campus and community for multiple semesters. Students must be nominated by peers, staff or you may nominate yourself. The nominee must have earned an honor certificate and a leadership and service award to be considered for the Viking Award.