Racial Equity Resources
- CCCCO Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility Glossary of Terms
- CCCCO Report “Vision for Success Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Task Force” (2020)
- Timeline of Racial Inequities in Long Beach
- “White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack” by Peggy McIntosh (1989)
- LBCC Student Equity
- LBCC Student Equity Subcommittee
- California Community College Racial Equity Leadership Alliance presented by the USC Race and Equity Center
- LBCC Library Reading Lists
- LBCC Cultural Curriculum Audit update to the Board of Trustees (7/22/20)
- LBCC Heritage Months & Resources
- LBCC College Day 2020 “Our time is now – building pathways to full equity and inclusion”: https://www.lbcc.edu/post/2020-college-day
- Recent LBCCD Board Resolutions and date of approval (see BoardDocs for all resolutions):
- Antisemitism (3/24/21)
- Arab American Heritage Month (4/17/24)
- Asian Pacific Islander Desi Heritage Month (5/22/24)
- Solidarity with the Asian Pacific Islander Desi Community (3/24/21)
- Black History Month (2/21/24)
- Cambodian Genocide Remembrance Day (4/17/24)
- César Chávez Day (3/13/24)
- Chicano Moratorium (9/9/20)
- Ethnic Studies (10/28/20)
- Filipino American History Month (10/18/23)
- Hispanic-Latinx Heritage Month (9/13/23)
- Jewish American Heritage Month (5/22/24)
- Juneteenth Recognition (6/26/24) and Juneteenth Paid Holiday (3/23/22)
- LGBTQIA+ History Month (10/18/23)
- LGBTQIA+ Pride Month (6/26/24)
- Missing and Murdered Indigenous Persons Awareness Day (4/17/24)
- Native American Heritage Month (11/3/23)
- Women’s History Month (3/13/24)