Charge, Membership & Meetings
Course Evaluation Subcommittee Functions & Responsibilities


At LBCC, the Academic Senate delegates authority of curricular matters to the Curriculum Committee. As such, the Committee is responsible for the development, review, renewal, and recommendation of curriculum to be approved by the Board of Trustees.

In general, the Course Evaluation subcommittee reviews and recommends additions of new programs, modifications to degrees, certificates, General Education patterns, proficiency requirements and resolves inter-program conflicts resulting from curriculum overlaps.

According to Administrative Procedure 4020, the Course Evaluation subcommittee’s functions include, but are not limited to:

  • Review all new course requests for accuracy completeness, and compliance with Title 5 regulations and other state curriculum standards and make recommendations to the Curriculum Committee.
  • Review all course modifications, and inactivations, for accuracy, completeness, and compliance with Title 5 regulations and other state curriculum standards and make recommendations to the Curriculum Committee.
  • Review and recommend to the Curriculum Committee all courses in the areas of distance education, honors, and selected topics.