SSC Charge
Committee Functions & Responsibilities


The Student Success Committee supports the student success efforts of the college in alignment with the Strategic Plan, which include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Provide input and support to the leadership of subcommittees;
  • Review and make recommendations on the development and ongoing updates on, but not limited to, the Student Equity Plan, the Guided Pathways Plan, the Strong Workforce Plan, the Adult Education Plan, and Equitable Placement and Success (AB 705) efforts.
  • Recommend methods to integrate and prioritize the work of identified groups, committees, task forces, and programs to share information and minimize duplication of efforts;
  • Recommend priorities for the student success agenda;
  • Recommend criteria for institutionalizing innovative and effective programs based upon evaluative evidence;
  • Provide ongoing recommendations about student success improvement efforts;
  • Communicate recommendations to other participatory governance bodies and the college community;
  • Receive reports from the identified groups, committees, task forces, and related plans.
  • Provide feedback and input on new and adopted technology platforms that directly support student success initiatives.
  • Receive annual updates on institutional programs (e.g., TRIO and Long Beach College Promise), grants (e.g., Title V), and participatory governance committees (e.g., Online Education Committee), and college wide initiatives (e.g., Framework for Reconciliation).