

LBCC Staffs in front of A building

About the 2022-2026 Strategic Plan

The 2022-2026 Strategic Plan was developed by the Strategic Plan Oversight Taskforce and College Planning Council, with broad constituent input. The plan will serve as Long Beach City College’s north star and will guide the implementation of plans and initiatives for the next four years. The plan is intentionally aligned with the Chancellor’s Office Vision for Success and Guided Pathways.

The 2022-2026 Strategic Plan includes the Mission, Vision, and Values, followed by the Strategic Plan Themes, Goals, and Strategies. The Mission explains the purpose of our College, the Vision provides a brief overarching statement of what our College hopes to achieve in the future, and the Values describe the fundamental beliefs our College holds. The four Strategic Plan Goals describe what we hope to achieve through the implementation of the Strategies.

2022 LBCC Honor Students

Our Commitment to Strategic Plan Implementation

The time is now for transformation and for courageous leadership to confront the status-quo at Long Beach City College through the implementation of the 2022-2026 Strategic Plan.

In order to successfully implement the Strategic Plan, administration, full- and part-time faculty, classified professionals, and student leadership must recognize that they are collectively responsible for implementation of the Strategic Plan’s Themes, Goals, and Strategies. This includes raising awareness amongst all faculty, classified professionals, administrators, and students of the Mission, Vision, Values, and Strategic Plan Themes, Goals, Strategies; actively ensuring that planning processes at all levels of the College and implementation of initiatives at the College directly align with the Strategic Plan; and broadly communicating progress on the Strategic Plan to all constituents. College leadership must commit to focusing on the prism of possibility and ensure systemic engagement in implementing the Strategic Plan, which will be monitored through College Planning Council. Only through working together can we successfully fulfill our Mission, Vision, and Values.


4 Strategic Plans

Inclusive        Supportive        Innovative        Synergy



LBCC Strategic Plan of Inclusive


GOAL: By creating an inclusive, anti-racist, and welcoming environment, all students and employees will feel that their voices matter and that their identities are valued and re-affirmed.

To be inclusive, we plan to
  • Redesign policies, procedures, and processes
  • Continue catalyzing change 
  • Instill a sense of mattering and belonging
  • Provide and promote equity-minded training
  • Ensure hiring practices intentionally support diversifying the College’s workforce

Success Outcome – Inclusive

Students and employees thrive:
  • Ensure 85% of students feel they matter in campus spaces
  • Ensure 85% of employees feel they matter in campus spaces


Read Inclusive Plans



LBCC Strategic Plan of Supportive


GOAL: Through fostering a culture of care and collegiality, students and employees will feel supported, valued, and respected.

To be supportive, we plan to
  • Intentionally serve our historically marginalized students
  • Create spaces/activities for employees to connect
  • Address students’ basic needs
  • Focus on the institution’s role
  • Improve communication across the College for students and employees
  • Continue building trust and improving morale

Success Outcome – Supportive

Students’ needs matter:
  • Ensure students have financial resources by increasing Pell awards to 41%
  • Maintain a student-centered schedule at 90% fill rate annually
  • Close equity gaps in all achievement metrics by 57%
  • Ensure student learning with all five Institutional Student Learning Outcomes meeting the 70% expected level of achievement for students who have completed 45+ units


Read Supportive Plans



LBCC Strategic Plan of Innovation


GOAL: Through implementing innovative approaches, LBCC will achieve equitable student outcomes, address emerging industry needs, and promote sustainability.

To be innovative, we plan to
  • Close equity gaps in persistence and course success
  • Offer and award student equity mini-grants and equity innovation grants annually
  • Continue to enhance and offer the Cultural Curriculum Audit
  • Address the needs of the local and regional labor market
  • Continue to work toward the attainment of environmental justice
  • Continue to invest in state-of-the-art technology

Success Outcome – Innovative

Innovate for success:
  • Increase course success rates to 74%
  • Increase transfer-level English completion for degree-seeking students in the first year to 46%
  • Increase transfer-level Math completion for degree-seeking students in the first year to 31%
  • Increase fall-to-fall persistence rates for degree-seeking students to 55%
  • Increase the number of degrees awarded to 3,365
  • Increase the number of certificates of achievement awarded to 4,523
  • Increase 3-year completion rates for first-time, full-time degree-seeking students within 150% of normal program completion time to 25%


Read Innovative Plans



LBCC Strategic Plan of Synergy


GOAL: By creating synergy between community, education, and local and regional industry, partnerships will be strengthened to support the equitable achievement of students’ educational and career goals.

To create synergy, we plan to
  • Scale Student Success Teams to break down silos and guide all students 
  • Focus on achieving restorative justice 
  • Drive the regional economy and achieve economic justice
  • Drive regional economic recovery
  • Grow early college initiatives for disproportionately impacted students
  • Continue to promote, expand, and improve the nationally recognized Long Beach College Promise program

Success Outcome – Synergy

Working together:
  • Increase enrollment to 20,774 Full-Time Equivalent Students (FTES)
  • Increase the number of transfers to four-year institutions to 3,129
  • Increase non-credit enrollment to 7,050
  • Increase student job placement in living-wage positions to 41%


Read Synergy Plans