LBCCD Policies
Board policies are the voice of the Long Beach City College Board of Trustees and define the general goals and acceptable practices for the operation of the District. It implements federal and state laws and procedures. The Board of Trustees, through policy, delegates authority to and through the Superintendent-President to administer the District. The Superintendent-President and District employees are responsible to reasonably interpret Board policy as well as other relevant laws and procedures that govern the District.
The Long Beach City College District’s Board Policies and Administrative Procedures are currently being updated and renumbered to align with the Community College League of California’s (CCLC) Policy and Procedure Service. As current policies are revised and new policies are written, they will be approved by the governing board and posted to the website. During the revision process, there will be occasional duplication of numbers. Once the process is completed, any duplication in numbering will be eliminated.
Please contact Lauren Zale in the President’s Office for procedures on creating new and revising existing policies and procedures.
District Governance
- 2000 Board of Trustees
- 2001 Board of Trustees Travel
- 2002 Health and Welfare Benefits for Members of the Board of Trustees and Personnel Commission
- 2005 Student Member of the Board of Trustees
- 2007 Retention and Destruction of Records
- 2011 Workplace Violence
- 2014 Board of Trustees' Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice
- 2015 Annual Organizational Meeting and Board Officers
- 2016 Board Duties and Responsibilities
- 2017 Board Education
- 2022 Political Activity and Board Resolutions
- 2023 Board of Trustees Election
- 2024 Vacancies on the Governing Board
- 2027 Board Member Compensation
- 2028 Regular Meetings of the Board
- 2029 Closed Session of the Board
- 2030 Special and Emergency Meetings of the Board
- 2031 Public Participation of Board Meetings
- 2034 Committees of the Board
- 2035 Board Membership
- BP 2510 Participation in Local Decision-Making
- BP 2745 Board Self-Evaluation
- BP 2360 - Minutes
- BP 2431 - Superintendent-President Selection
- BP 2435 - Evaluation of Superintendent-President
- BP 2340 - Agendas
- BP 2330 - Quorum and Voting
- BP 2365 - Recording
- BP 2350 - Speakers
- BP 2355 - Decorum
- BP 2432 - Superintendent-President Succession
- BP 2410 - Board Policies and Administrative Procedures
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General Institution
- BP 3050 Institutional Code of Ethics
- BP 3100 Organizational Structure
- BP 3200 Accreditation
- BP 3225 Institutional Effectiveness
- BP 3250 Institutional Planning
- BP 3280 Grants
- BP 3410 Nondiscrimination
- BP 3420 Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO)
- BP 3430 Prohibition of Harassment
- BP 3433 Prohibition of Sexual Harassment Under Title IX
- BP 3435 Discrimination and Harassment Complaints and Investigations
- BP 3540 Sexual and Other Assaults on Campus
- BP 3580 Use of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) on District Property
- BP 3720 - Computer and Network Use
- BP 3725 - Accessibility of Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
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- 3000 Activity of Employee Organizations
- 3004 Substitute Instructors
- 3006 Evaluation of Faculty
- 3007 Evaluation of Management Team Personnel
- 3009 First Aid and CPR Training
- 3021 Personnel Files
- 3022 Equivalency
- 3025 Professional Development Leave
- 3026 Professional Leave for Administrators
- 3027 Professional Titles
- 3028 Reduced Workload
- 3032 Vacation Allowance for Administrators, Manager/Supervisors and Confidential Employees
- 3035 Administrator Reassignment Rights
- 3036 Verification of Eligibility for Employment
- 3037 Service Animals
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Academic Affairs
- BP 4008 Materials Produced by Faculty and Staff
- BP 4010 Academic Calendar
- BP 4020 Program and Curriculum Development
- BP 4021 Program Discontinuance
- BP 4022 Course Approval
- BP 4025 Philosophy and Criteria for Associate Degree and General Education
- BP 4026 Philosophy and Criteria for International Education
- BP 4030 Academic Freedom
- BP 4035 Academic Honesty
- BP 4040 Library & Learning Support Services
- BP 4050 Articulation
- BP 4060 Delineation of Functions Agreements
- BP 4070 Course Auditing and Auditing Fees
- BP 4100 Graduation Requirements for Degrees and Certificates
- BP 4101 Independent Study (Credit By Directed Study)
- BP 4102 Career & Technical Education
- BP 4103 Work Experience Education
- BP 4104 Contract Education
- BP 4105 Distance Education
- BP 4106 Nursing Programs
- BP 4110 Honorary Degrees
- BP 4220 Standards of Scholarship
- BP 4222 Remedial Coursework
- BP 4225 Course Repetition
- BP 4226 Multiple and Overlapping Enrollments
- BP 4230 Grading and Academic Record Symbols
- BP 4231 Grade Changes
- BP 4232 Pass/No Pass
- BP 4235 Credit for Prior Learning
- BP 4240 Academic Renewal
- BP 4250 Probation, Dismissal, & Readmission
- BP 4260 Prerequisites, Co-requisites and Advisories
- BP 4300 Field Trips, Changes of Location and Excursions
- BP 4400 Community Services Programs
- BP 4500 Student News Media
- BP 4610 Instructional Service Agreements
- BP 4700 Guest Speakers
- BP 4850 Curriculum that is Scheduled Days and Hours to be Arranged
- BP 4999 Open Educational Resources (OER)
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Student Services
- BP 5010 Admissions and Concurrent Enrollment
- BP 5012 International Students
- BP 5015 Residence Determination
- BP 5020 Nonresident Tuition
- BP 5030 Fees
- BP 5035 Withholding of Student Records
- BP 5040 Student Records, Directory Information, and Privacy
- BP 5050 Matriculation Services
- BP 5052 Open Enrollment
- BP 5055 Enrollment Priorities
- BP 5070 Attendance
- BP 5110 Counseling
- BP 5120 Transfer Center
- BP 5130 Financial Aid
- BP 5140 Disabled Student Programs and Services
- BP 5150 Extended Opportunity Programs and Services
- BP 5200 Student Health Services
- BP 5205 Student Accident Insurance
- BP 5300 Student Equity
- BP 5400 Associated Students Organization
- BP 5410 Associated Students Organization Elections
- BP 5420 Associated Students Organization Finance
- BP 5500 Standards of Student Conduct
- BP 5700 Intercollegiate Athletics
- BP 5800 Prevention of Identity Theft in Student Financial Transactions
- BP 5210 Communicable Disease-Students
- BP 5220 Shower Facilities for Homeless Students
- BP 5510 Off-Campus Student Organizations
- BP 5570 Student Credit Card Solicitations
- BP 5900 Preferred Name
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- 6001 Securing of Copyrighted Protection
- 6009 Bids and Contracts
- 6013 Auxiliary Organization Operations
- 6014 Cellular Telephone Use
- 6017 Public Records
- BP 6200 Budget Preparation
- BP 6250 Budget Management
- BP 6300 Fiscal Management
- BP 6307 Debt Issuance and Management
- BP 6320 Investments
- BP 6321 Investments: Racial Equality Fund
- BP 6330 Purchasing
- BP 6400 Financial Audits
- BP 6500 Property Management
- BP 6520 Security for District Property
- BP 6535 Use of District Equipment
- BP 6537 Use of District Mailboxes
- BP 6540 Insurance
- BP 6550 Disposal of Property
- BP 6600 Capital Construction
- BP 6620 Naming Facilities and Properties
- BP 6700 Civic Center and Other Facilities Use
- BP 6740 Citizens' Bond Oversight Committee
- BP 6750 Parking
- BP 6800 Occupational Safety
- BP 6910 Housing
- BP 6975 Expenses for Special In-Service Training, Workshops, or Events
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Human Resources
- BP 7120 Recruitment & Hiring
- BP 7230 Classified Employees
- BP 7240 Confidential Employees
- BP 7310 Nepotism
- BP 7330 Communicable Disease - Employees
- BP 7340 Leaves
- PB 7341 Sabbaticals
- BP 7342 Holidays
- BP 7343 Industrial Accident and Illness Leave
- BP 7350 Resignations
- BP 7360 Discipline and Dismissal - Academic Employees
- BP 7365 Discipline and Dismissal - Classified Employees
- BP 7370 Political Activity - Employees
- BP 7371 Personal Use of Public Resources - Employees
- BP 7380 Retiree Health Benefits - Academic Employees
- BP 7400 Employee Travel
- BP 7510 Domestic Partners
- BP 7700 Whistleblower Protection
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